
If the University of Rochester were …

a season, which one would it be? Or a flavor? Or an element? 看看你是否同意我们2023年最受欢迎的视频中的描述.


每年,哈吉姆学校都会为全面发展的学生颁发罗伯特L. Wells Prize. Meet the Class of 2024 recipients.

Read more about our undergraduates

Show us your town, Philadelphia

探索这座城市丰富的历史和充满活力的艺术和文化景观, and find out why nearly 3,000 alumni love calling the region home.

Read more about Philadelphia

The Women’s Network

Cochairs Kathy Waller ’80, ’83S (MBA) and Abby Zabrodsky ’14, ’19S (MBA) lead the group to connect, support, and engage women.

Read more about the Women's Network

Now she’s thriving

乔西第一次做心脏直视手术时才11天大. 刹那间,她的情况从稳定转为危急. Fortunately, Golisano Children’s Hospital’s care team, routinely trained with pediatric simulations, responded quickly and skillfully. 今天,这个精力充沛的三岁孩子茁壮成长.

watch the video about Josie's story



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Breaking barriers

Evelyn Santos ’23N (MS), 拉佐斯·富尔特斯诊所的首席护士, 在解决当地西班牙裔和拉丁裔社区的心理健康需求方面处于领先地位.

Read more about Evelyn Santos ’23N (MS)

Harmonizing careers

Chris Foley ' 94E (DMA)和Tyler Ramos ' 22E (DMA)分享他们作为伊士曼校友的经验, mentorship partners, and music collaborators.

了解更多关于Chris Foley '94E (DMA)和Tyler Ramos '22E (DMA)的信息

Meet the Dunning Family

了解犹他大学医学院及其骨科为蔡斯和卡特带来的不可思议的影响, 他们都被诊断患有杜氏肌营养不良症.

Watch the Dunning family video

Changing lives—including their own

Alexander A. Levitan ’63M (MD) and his wife, Lucy, 已经捐赠了近1000万美元来支持来自世界各地的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场学生的医疗经历.

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Eastman alumna turns 100

Happy birthday to Gloria Mikialian ’45E, 她是一位钢琴师和伴奏家,一生致力于音乐.

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Healthcare spotlight

UR Medicine的新骨科设备已经在帮助病人了. 它也能帮助振兴郊区的购物中心吗?

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Coming home

Abby Zabrodsky ’14, ’19S (MBA), a chemical engineering major and MBA, gives her all to her family, workplace, and alma mater.

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2023 Miracle Kids


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Iveth Reynolds ' s (MBA)和Raquel Ruiz ' 99, ' 20S (MBA)共同主持拉丁校友网络.

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Leadership lessons from football

Football provided Dr. 迈克尔·雷尼79年的宝贵经验是百分百的付出.

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Buzzing through the years


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Food myths debunked

Susan Friedman, MD, MPH, 高地医院生活方式医学项目主任, provides nutrition suggestions.

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Give me five

Delve into a Q&华纳教育学院院长兼教授Sarah Peyre的访谈.

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Two decades of gratitude

After years of giving, Gwyn Hankinson, a breast cancer survivor, and her husband, Garth, 他们将在2022年为威尔莫特提供一笔巨额慈善捐赠.

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Art for the people

Always open, always free, 纪念艺术画廊新扩建的百年雕塑公园为每个人提供了一些东西.

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What’s cooking?

Jill Chodak, MS, RD, CDN, UR医学社区健康中心的临床营养师 & Prevention, offers healthy snack recipes.

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Good books

In his Wall Street Journal bestseller, 重新开始路线图:重新布线和重置你的职业生涯, Jason Tartick的16S (MBA)为读者提供了实现财务愿景的可行步骤, professional, and emotional success.

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The adventures of Zack and Jill


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Stories of evolution

与08年的谢恩·坎贝尔·斯塔顿的对话, a scholar, evolutionary biologist, master storyteller, and PBS documentary series host.

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Meet our Groundbois

探索这些四人组朋友的互动河校园洞穴, made popular by students and recent alumni.

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Miracle Kids 2023

只有在戈里萨诺儿童医院才有专科护理,这使阿米娜·姆博吉成为可能, a newborn, to beat the odds over and over again.

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